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Treat-Treat Tuesday

Welcome to Treat-Treat Tuesday, the Ameri Treats weekly blog! Treat-Treat Tuesday will feature tidbits of the latest pet news, fun stories, and musings on our favorite subject – cats and dogs! Every Tuesday, we’ll curate tasty topics for you on dogs and cats – what they’re eating, what they’re doing, what they’re wearing, and where they’re going. We’ll provide resources intended to educate, entertain, and give you peace of mind as a conscientious pet parent – one of the highest honors on the planet. Let’s get started!

Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Off to a “Ruff” Start?

Maybe we humans should take a lesson from our dogs and rebel against the New Year’s Resolution tradition – especially when it comes to our favorite treats! I mean, seriously. Do you think your beloved canine would ever suggest that his favorite treats be withheld due to a mere date on the calendar?! Never! Moderation is the key, my friends, and that includes my four-legged friends.

We’ve all been there at the start of the year with our vision boards and our kale chips, eager for change, hungry for something epic to happen. I get it. But what’s so wrong with a bit of restraint instead of total omission of all your favorite things? You wouldn’t leave your dog alone with an open box of dog biscuits or jerky treats. Don’t leave yourself alone with an open bag of [insert favorite thing here]. For me, it’s chips, cupcakes, and open-item bags like M&M’s. Those are social foods that must be enjoyed with others, or at least one person with a modicum of sanity who can say, “Katie, no! You’ve had enough treats!” You see what I’m going for here: moderation, with a smidgen of shaming.

Choose goals you can break up into manageable steps for a quick win, followed by a morsel treat of something you love. Yeah, just like you train your dog. You’ll thank me later. For instance, maybe you want to build a house this year. That’s a lofty goal. So…maybe build your dog a house first! Then, indulge in a treat of your choice (in addition to the extra bonus of love and appreciation from your dog.) Maybe you want to lose 10 pounds. Ask to walk your neighbor’s dog a few times a week in addition to walking your own and rack up those extra steps. When you hit the halfway mark, you guessed it – treat yourself to something you love. (We’re really into treats on this site, as you can probably judge by the name.)

Moderation, not omission. By mid-March, you’ll be svelte, and unrecognizable and - you’ll have built an entire (dog) house! This may be an exaggeration. But it could be true! Let us know.

In the Mews

Goodbye, Betty White

Beloved American actress and comedian, Betty White passed away on December 31, 2021. In a career that spanned more than eight decades, Betty White entertained us, made us laugh, and shared her love for animals as an avid animal activist. In honor of her work and love for animals, the #BettyWhiteChallenge began to trend on social media asking friends and fans to donate a minimum of $5 to their favorite rescue shelter. On January 17, 2022, what would have been her 100th birthday, animal lovers took on the challenge with gusto. As of this writing, an estimated $550k has been raised in her honor. How’s that for a legacy?

Happy New Year! We’ll see you right back here at Ameri Treats for Treat-Treat Tuesday.

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